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Tanner Health System is a nonprofit healthcare provider. Our mission is to improve the health of the communities we serve — not to generate revenues for shareholders.

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Pregnancy Boot Camp - Villa Rica

Date and Time:
Saturday, July 12, 2025
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM, ET
Tanner Medical Center/Villa Rica
601 Dallas Highway
Villa Rica, GA 30180
Room: Classroom A
Class/Event Description:

This class will be held in the Villa West building at 690 Dallas Hwy, Villa Rica, in classrooms A & B, on the 3rd Floor. Participants must enter through the VillaWest building entrance, not the hospital. Breakfast is provided.

First-time parents always have a long list of questions, concerns and fears during and immediately after pregnancy. You may already be wondering: How will I know when I'm in labor? Will childbirth be painful? Will my baby know how to breastfeed? Will I have enough milk? How do I care for a newborn? What happens to my body after childbirth?

To ease your transition to parenthood, Tanner’s maternity experts have created two information-packed, four-hour workshops designed to put your mind at ease and prepare you to give birth and take care of an infant: Pregnancy Boot Camp and Baby Care Boot Camp.

This workshop is for Pregnancy Boot Camp. The topics that will be covered are: understanding labor, including the four P's, pre-labor, onset of labor and the stages of labor; understanding comfort techniques, including labor support, labor positions and back/long labor; understanding medical procedures, including induction, fetal monitoring, pain relief and second stage interventions; understanding Cesarean birth and recovery; and understanding postpartum.

Free parking is available in the parking lot at VillaWest.

Each pregnant person is encouraged to bring a support person to the class. Please register yourself and your support person separately but provide the same email address so that we know you are together.

In order to ensure a quiet environment for focus and learning for all participants, we ask that no children under the age of 12 come to classes.

No Fee
Registration Deadline:
Thursday, July 10, 2025, ET


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