Tanner News

A Basket of Generosity for an Oct. 31 Bundle of Joy

Girl Scout Troop 10442 with their donationTo honor the birthday of Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Girl Scouts, the 30 Girl Scouts in Troop 10442 in Villa Rica had an amazing gift in mind: a huge basket overflowing with everything from diapers and clothing to toys and wipes.

And the recipient? The first baby girl born in The Maternity Center at Tanner Medical Center/Villa Rica on Low’s birthday, Oct. 31.

It’s all part of the Girl Scouts’ mission to help make the world a better place, said Troop Leader Karen Long. “It’s more than the cookies that everyone knows us for. We try to do outreach in the community to help teach them to always be willing to help someone else out.”

The troop meets just down the street from Tanner’s Villa Rica hospital. Each troop member — who range in age from kindergarten to eighth grade — donates at least one item to the basket. It’s one of their favorite activities, according to Long.

“They love it,” said Long, as does the family who receives the basket.

This is the third year that the troop has donated a gift basket to the first girl born at Tanner’s Villa Rica hospital on Oct. 31, and families have often reached back out with photos. One mother even told them that she had been in the Girl Scouts when she was a little girl, which “brings it all around,” said Long.

There’s another link to Tanner Health System: Misty Trice, a registered nurse in labor and delivery at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton, has two daughters, Jurnee and Aujah, in the troop, and Shellie Brat, vice president of physician and business development at Tanner, has a granddaughter in the troop.

Jurnee and Aujah donated toys and clothing last year, and this year they decided to give outfits — all from their mom. Trice said it happens that she tends to shop for baby items year-round, both as gifts for pregnant friends but also for families she meets at work who are in need.

For Trice, who also volunteers with Troop 10442, it’s about teaching girls the value of helping others.

“Sometimes you never know who you’re blessing, because a lot of times, people come in and they don’t necessarily have the things they need for their babies, but they’re afraid to say that,” said Trice. “For my girls, I really try to instill in them that they are blessed … and so we also are supposed to give and to be a blessing to someone else.”

While most Girl Scout troops try to recognize Low’s birthday, not all do. But the annual celebration is important to Long and her troop.

“Without her, we wouldn’t have this movement that raises girls to learn different skills like getting out in the community and being good business leaders and all-around good people,” said Trice.

To learn more about Girl Scouts and find a troop, visit mygs.girlscouts.org. To learn more about Tanner’s maternity centers in Villa Rica and Carrollton, visit TannerMaternityCare.org.


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