Tanner News

Tanner Offers Televisits to Screen Patients for COVID-19 Symptoms

Tanner Health System is expanding testing for COVID-19 to gain a better understanding of how widespread the virus is in the region.
The health system now offers televisits with providers to make it easier for existing and new patients to be screened for COVID-19 symptoms.Telemedicine graphic

Patients can now talk to and see a Tanner Medical Group provider with a smartphone, tablet or computer without leaving home. The clinics began offering the service to prevent the spread of COVID-19, increase the availability of testing in the community and help patients stay safe while adhering to local stay-at-home orders.

Televisits have become a valuable tool in the fight against spreading infection with many insurance companies expanding access to telehealth and COVID-19 testing. Not only does it help sick patients get the care they need from the comfort of homes without sacrificing the quality of care, but it also allows providers to treat more patients without filling up waiting rooms.

Limiting in-person visits — especially during a pandemic — protects patients and providers by offering a safe, efficient way to provide care. Televisits allow patients to connect with physicians without having to go to the hospital or urgent care facilities.

During a televisit, providers can assess a patient’s symptoms remotely and determine if they should receive testing.

To request a televisit, call 770-812-9057. COVID-19 testing will be available while supplies last.

More information on COVID-19 and the health system’s continuing response can be found at tanner.org/ncov.


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