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Plog Your Way to Fitness

We all know that running is good for your health, but did you know it can also be good for the planet? 
Plogging — a combination of the Swedish phrase “plocka upp” (pick up) and “jogging”— is the act of picking up litter while running. Erik Ahlstrom started the plogging movement in 2016. 
To get started, all you need is running gear and a trash or recycling bag. Here are a few reasons you should get in on this Swedish fitness craze.  
Add strength to your cardio workout. Combine cardio and strength training with each squat you take while picking up litter. Doing this can help you can burn 288 calories in 30 minutes, according to the health app Lifesum, which was the first app to add plogging as a trackable activity.   
Plog with friends. Make fitness and helping the environment fun by asking your running buddy or group to go plogging. Be sure to post your cleanup efforts on social media with the hashtags #DoBeautifulThings and #plogging. If you’re not a member of a running group, consider joining the West Georgia Track Club or visit rrca.org to find a club near you. 
Plog with purpose. Plogging just may give you the motivation you need to finish a long-distance run. Whether your training for a race like the Carrollton Half Marathon or taking a leisurely stroll, focusing on spotting trash could help take your mind off how much further you have to go or how tired you are. 
Before you set out on your plogging journey, check out these tips provided by Keep America Beautiful
Choose your route. Try to pick a route that’s heavily littered so you’ll find trash to throw away or recycle. 
Be prepared. Don’t leave the house without your bags, gloves, litter picker and water. 
Stay safe. If your route requires you to cross the street, always look both ways before crossing. Visit Tanner’s Health Library for more tips on how to stay safe while running outdoors. Also remember to wear gloves when picking up litter and to avoid picking up sharp objects. 
Properly dispose of the trash you pick up. Make sure you put them in the correct recycling or trash bins. Visit berecycled.org to find the nearest recycling center near you.
For more healthy lifestyle tips, visit GetHealthyLiveWell.org
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