Tanner News

Embracing the Perfectly Imperfect Pregnancy with Victoria Presnal

Postpartum depression and medical challenges during pregnancy are more common than many realize. According to the American Psychological Association, about 1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression. The CDC reports that 6 out of 1,000 births in the U.S. result in severe complications. These numbers highlight the importance of understanding and addressing these issues.

​Victoria Presnal, a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent for UGA Extension Carroll County, has a background in health and community wellness. Her personal experiences with postpartum depression and pregnancy about 39-and-a-half weeks when I contracted an infection and began running a very high fever," she says.

The infection required an emergency C-section, something she never imagined.

"Once we passed 38 weeks, the NICU wasn't even on our radar,” she relates. “We thought everything was fine. We'd have her home in a couple of days."

The reality deviated significantly from her expectations. Her daughter, Ricki Kate, was immediately taken to the Sally and John Francis Tanner Neonatal ICU at Tanner Medical Center/ Carrollton, and Victoria confronted the emotional upheaval of returning home without her newborn.Navigating Postpartum with Victoria

“The moment I left without my baby, that's when postpartum depression hit,” she shares. “I was aware that people mentioned the likelihood of postpartum depression in such situations. I never thought it would happen to me."

Despite having a robust support system, including her husband Justin, Victoria struggled with feelings of inadequacy and remorse.

"I had a solid support system,” she says. “My husband was amazing, and I was certain we would be fine. But then it all unfolded, and the floodgates opened with emotions and the sense of having erred to reach this point."

Navigating Postpartum Depression

“Returning home without my baby was heart-wrenching,” she relates. “I’d always envisioned a perfect labor and delivery, followed by bringing my baby home right away.

“But the reality was starkly different from that reverie. I felt like I had fallen short in numerous ways – particularly when I couldn't produce breast milk due to infection and antibiotics. The guilt and emotional burden were overwhelming.”

There were instances when she felt powerless.

One night, shortly after Ricki Kate came home, she was inconsolably crying.

“My husband was downstairs trying to soothe her, while I was upstairs, also in tears, feeling inadequate as a mother,” she shares. “Justin was incredibly supportive, assuming household duties to give me time to recuperate and bond with Ricki Kate, but the emotions were overpowering. My husband and family were my anchors during this trying period. Justin took on many responsibilities, from doing the dishes to tending to nighttime feedings so I could rest and recuperate.”

The compassionate care from the nurses at Tanner Health also made a significant difference. She’ll always remember Callie, a nurse who would check on her every 30 minutes and sit with her when she felt overwhelmed.

“Her kindness offered much needed solace during those lengthy, lonely nights,” Victoria says.

Giving Back Through Empowering Parenthood

Reflecting on her own hardships, Victoria felt the urge to help other new and expecting parents encountering similar challenges.

This compelled her to orchestrate the Empowering Parenthood event.

"My aim with this event was to empower not only moms, but also dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents – anyone, really, to instill the confidence to embark on this new role."

The event focused on holistic support and resources for new parents, emphasizing mental health, community wellness and parental self-assurance. With the collaboration of community partners like Tanner Health, the event featured nearly 40 vendors, providing everything from lactation consulting to mental health resources.

"The primary focus was on the vendors,” Victoria explains. “I wanted every individual, organization or nonprofit to positively influence a parent to participate in this event," she said.

The enthusiastic feedback was overwhelming. Attendees left feeling more self-assured and interconnected, armed with valuable insights and resources.

The triumph of the event has inspired Victoria to make it perennial.

"We intend to continue this in the coming years,” she says. “The feedback was phenomenal. People were expressing, 'I didn't realize how much I needed this.'"

Tanner Health’s Role in Empowering Parenthood

A standout feature of the Empowering Parenthood event was its strong partnership with Tanner Health.

"Tanner Health was among the first organizations I felt had to be part of," Victoria shares. "They played a pivotal role in both expertise and resources."

From lactation consultants to pediatricians, Tanner Health brought in professionals who could address queries and offer guidance in a relaxed, informative setting. "Dr. Shannon Couvreur addressed every question those women had. And then the pediatrician, Holley Beam, MD, was there, ensuring every query – no matter how unconventional – was answered," says Victoria.

The involvement of Tanner Health not only lent credibility to the event, but also underscored the significance of accessible healthcare support for new parents.

"Having their support was priceless,” Victoria relates. “It showed the community they are not alone, and trusted resources are available to aid them through challenging times."

Moving Forward With Hope

Looking ahead, Victoria envisions expanding the Empowering Parenthood event to include more speakers, diverse topics and more community engagement.

"Next year, we want to add more speakers, more topics and offer sessions based on the feedback we received. We want to make the event even more comprehensive and impactful," she shares.

Victoria hopes her narrative and efforts will motivate others to help their communities.

"I've always advocated for mental health,” she says. “Even before my pregnancy, I struggled with some depression and anxiety. When this happened, and I encountered postpartum depression, it magnified. I knew if there was a purpose in my story that could help even one parent, one mother struggling in the dead of night, in tears, unsure of what to do … If it could help that one person, it would be worthwhile.”

Victoria’s work is far from over. She sees a future where every new and expecting parent feels confident and supported.

This inspiring story is a call to action for everyone to learn from her experience and be inspired to support and empower others.

For those interested in more information or getting involved, find the Empowering Parenthood event at extension.uga.edu or follow their Facebook page at UGA Extension Carroll County.

See more about the comprehensive women’s care services available at Tanner Health at TannerWomensCare.org.



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