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5 Tips for Better Fitness

Summer is here, the sun is hot — and you’re not.

Those New Year’s resolutions to lose weight are easy to ignore when your standard attire includes loose-fitting sweaters hidden beneath winter coats, but summer’s here and you’re starting to sweat those extra pounds.

Are you looking to improve your fitness? Is a busy schedule or lack of planning getting in the way? The road to better fitness doesn’t have to be bumpy. With a few simple changes, you can start reaping the benefits of a more active lifestyle.

Here are five tips to help get you started.

Become an active commuter

Would you like to walk or bike to work? It’s a smart way to add exercise to your daily routine. Just keep these planning tips in mind:

  • Allow extra time to get to where you’re going and to freshen up once you arrive, if necessary.
  • Plan ahead. Find out where you can safely stow your bike. Also, consider how you will manage your laptop and the other things you normally stash in your car.
  • Think about getting a backpack. You’ll free up your arms so you can steer or walk more comfortably.

Find your way to get fit

You’re more likely to stay active if you enjoy it, so make sure to consider your lifestyle before choosing an activity. For instance:

  • Do you need more quality time with friends? Plan a walking get-together.
  • Do you want to meet new people? Consider team sports.
  • Do you need some peace and quiet? Try an individual activity, like swimming.
  • Do you like the outdoors? Try hiking, fishing or canoeing.

Get physical when you watch TV

You can add exercise to your TV time with these smart tips:

  • Stretch, do yoga or lift weights during the show.
  • Hide the remote. Get up to turn on the TV or change channels.
  • Ride a stationary bike or walk on the treadmill during your favorite shows.

Break down your workout

Whether you plan to take a brisk walk, play tennis, or rake the yard, a half-hour aerobic workout should include the following phases:

  • Five-minute warm-up of aerobic activity. It should use the same muscles you’ll be pushing harder in your full-on workout. Then, stretch the main muscles you’ll be using.
  • Twenty-minute workout at a moderate pace.
  • Five-minute cool down. This can be a slower version of your workout.

It’s a stretch

A good time to stretch is right after your regular aerobic workout, as part of your cool down. Stretches keep your muscles from getting tight after walking, biking and other exercises. Here are some basic rules for safe stretching:

  • Stretch all your major muscle groups, including your arms, shoulders, back, hips and legs.
  • When you hold a stretch, keep your body relaxed and breathe slowly. You should feel pulling but no pain. Don’t bounce; you could injure your muscles.
  • Hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds, then relax and repeat at least four times.

Learn more tips on starting a healthy workout online at www.GetHealthyLiveWell.org.


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