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BHS Student Government Club Supports Mammogram Fund

Through funds raised by the Bremen High School Powder Puff football game, the school’s Student Government Club made a generous donation of $500 to Tanner Medical Foundation’s Mammogram Assistance Fund.

Each woman has a 1-in-8 chance of developing breast cancer, and mammograms are considered the best way to find the disease early. Tanner’s Mammogram Assistance Fund makes this essential screening possible for women who could not otherwise afford it.

“We are so proud to once again partner with the Bremen High School Student Government Club,” said Kathy Mathis, director of Tanner Medical Foundation. “We applaud Mrs. Pate and the entire faculty of Bremen High School for helping the next generation understand the importance of giving back to their community.”

Tanner Medical Foundation Director Kathy Mathis (left) accepts a $500 donation for mammogram assistance from Bremen High School Student Government Club members (front row from left): Amber Smith, Emmy Connor, Sam McCracken, Ashley Camp, Ashlyn Clay, Abby Thompson, Dasia Thomas, Mrs. Jenny Pate, faculty advisor; (back row): Luke Vines, Sydney Onyekwere, Luke Otwell, Connor Gibbs, Katie Tisinger, Kevin Parker, Andrew Tisinger, Kyla Semendinger, Sarah Zimmerman and Julia Campbell.

If you would like to support Tanner’s Mammogram Assistance Fund, please contact Tanner Medical Foundation at their new number 770.812.GIFT (770.812.4438) or visit www.TannerMedicalFoundation.org.


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