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Carrollton City Schools Students “Walk and Roll” to School

Tired of dealing with heavy traffic and slow carpool lanes during the morning commute to school? Want to exercise more, but can’t find the time?

Join the hundreds of Carrollton residents who have cut down on wait time and increased physical activity by opting to bike or walk. Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well is partnering with parents of school-age children and administrators of Carrollton City Schools to make it safer for kids to bike and walk to school. More than 250 people took part in the Spring Walk and Roll Celebration on Wednesday, March 16, on the Carrollton GreenBelt.

Students also got the opportunity to meet Broccoli Boy, Captain Carrot and Rude-A-Bay Girl – three vegetable heroes who star in Get Healthy, Live Well’s “Eat a Rainbow” play, which shows kids that eating healthy can be fun.

“We were so pleased that participation increased from the fall roll out,” Phyllis Head, community liaison at Get Healthy, Live Well, said. “The idea is catching on and people are realizing how much fun it is to ride their bikes and walk to school.”

The event, which is part of the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, attracted Carrollton Board of Education Vice-Chairman David Godwin and Superintendent-elect Dr. Mark Albertus, who is currently the principal of Carrollton High School.

"We are excited to partner with three world-class organizations: Tanner, SRTS and the Carrollton Greenbelt,” said Albertus. “This event, when coupled with other healthy lifestyle initiatives, helps make our community a better place to live and that is a common goal of all four organizations.”

He described the initiative to walk or bike to school as a solid one.

“We hope to see walking and biking to school continue to grow, and we are committed to its success,” said Albertus. “Thanks to the parents and volunteers who initially got involved and who continue to look for ways to foster more involvement."

Godwin noted how “awesome” it is to see so many families take part in the celebration.

“Having all of our schools on one campus is unique — as is having the Carrollton Greenbelt go through our campus,” he said.

Last year, the board approved a resolution in support of the SRTS initiative.

“We are fully committed to it,” said Godwin. “We hope to see even greater participation during the spring and as school starts back in the fall. This really is something special for Carrollton City Schools."

Because children today are not getting enough physical activity, more are suffering from unhealthy weight gain and the health problems that come with it. SRTS not only makes it safer for more children to walk and bicycle to school, it increases their physical activity. Students and their parents are encouraged to walk or roll to school every day through the end of the year.

Those who live too far to bike or walk to school from home can get in on the fun, too. Parents or guardians can park at the Carrollton GreenBelt trailheads located at Target (off Highway 27 in McIntosh Plaza), Hays Mill Road (immediately north of the Hays Mill Overlook subdivision) or the CVS on Maple Street and make their way to school. Meet up at the trailheads between 7:15 and 7:30 a.m.

All students or student groups walking or bicycling to school must be accompanied by an adult.

“We are so fortunate to have the GreenBelt in our city, which makes walking and riding bikes to school safe and easy,” said Lori Blackmon, co-chair of the SRTS Task Force. “When the 16 miles is completed this year, even more students will have the opportunity to walk or ride bikes from their homes.”

Once Carrollton elementary and middle school students arrive at school, they can pick up a healthy Grab ‘N’ Go breakfast in the cafeteria before heading to class. Elementary and middle school students pay $1 for breakfast. Students who qualify can get breakfast for free or at a reduced cost, which is $0.30.

Events like Walk and Roll create safer routes for walking and bicycling while emphasizing the importance of increasing physical activity among children. It also helps build connections between families, schools and the broader community. The local SRTS program is funded in part by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

To learn more about SRTS, visit www.carrolltoncityschools.net/parents or www.GetHealthyLiveWell.org.


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