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East Alabama First Responders Plan for Disaster Drill May 2

Several emergency response agencies from east Alabama will come together the morning of May 2, 2019, to help ensure that the region’s first responders are ready for the worst if — and when — it comes.

The drill will involve the Randolph County Board of Education, the Randolph County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office, Randolph County 911, the Wedowee Police Department, Emergency Medical Transport, Southern Ambulance Transport, AirEvac Lifeteam and Tanner Medical Center/East Alabama.

Disaster “victims” will be “moulaged,” or dressed in makeup and prosthetics to simulate injuries that a first responder would encounter in the field, at Wedowee Middle School, at 896 Woodland Avenue West in Wedowee, the morning beginning at 7 a.m. CT. The “victims” will be transported to Tanner Medical Center/East Alabama for triage and treatment.

Drills such as these are conducted periodically to ensure local agencies are prepared to respond to a disaster, as well as to identify areas that could be improved and obstacles that could become dangerous in the event of an actual disaster.

Partner agencies will come together following the exercise to discuss the experience and their findings, as well as to make plans to address any areas of concern that were discovered through the event.


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