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Eat Better for Less: Tanner Offering Free ‘Cooking Matters’ Classes

Struggling to plan healthy family meals without breaking the bank? For parents and guardians of young children, coming up with healthy meal options to prepare at home (that kids will actually eat) is hard. Break away from the corndogs and fried fixings and learn to prepare healthier meals on a budget with Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well and Cooking Matters. 

Cooking Matters is a free six-week class series empowering families to transform their eating habits for life. Classes begin Thursday, April 19, from noon to 2 p.m. at Tabernacle Baptist Church, located at 150 Tabernacle Drive in Carrollton. The class is for parents and guardians of children ages 0 to 5. 

Participants will learn new recipes for delicious, nutritious foods and prepare them during class. They will also learn how to make the most of their food resources, save money at the grocery store and work with foods they’ve never used before. 

Get Healthy, Live Well launched Cooking Matters to help west Georgia residents learn how to shop for and prepare healthy foods at home. Taught by Cooking Matters-certified instructors, the program connects families to food by teaching them to prepare healthy, tasty meals on a limited budget. All participants receive recipes and take-home materials from that day’s lesson.   

To sign up, call 770.214.CARE or register online at GetHealthyLiveWell.org. For more information, email gethealthy@tanner.org


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