Tanner News

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Future of Health Care Scholarships Awarded to Eight Students

Tanner Health System recently presented its annual Future of Health Care Scholarship Awards to students from the region who are pursuing a degree in medicine or as an advanced practice provider.

This year's scholarship recipients include (left to right, starting third from the left): Jessica Stockham, Tandra Hudson, Holly Jackson, Cameron Medina, Jenny McDonald, Joy Horton, Emmanuel Johnson and Jessica Mann.

The recipients are pictured with Jack Crews, MD, (far left) and Joe Parrish, MD (second from the left).

Not pictured: Tanner Health System President and CEO Loy Howard, physician recruiters Jacob Stephenson and Eric Johnston, and Shellie Sherrod, director of physician and advanced practice provider recruitment for Tanner. More information is available on physician opportunities at www.TannerPhysicianRecruitment.org.


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