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Infant Loss Awareness Day Commemoration at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton Oct. 15

The W. Steve Worthy Maternity Center at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton will host a special commemoration of National Infant Loss Awareness Day on Wednesday, Oct. 15.

The maternity center staff is inviting anyone from the community to join them on the top level of the Dixie Street Parking Deck at the hospital at 6:45 p.m. to release balloons in acknowledgement of the day. The biodegradable latex balloons will carry forget-me-not seeds that will be spread throughout the area.

Friends and family are welcome to attend the balloon release. One in four women has experienced infant loss, often enduring the grief that follows in silence. More information on National Infant Loss Awareness Day is available online at www.hopemommies.org/balloon-release.


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