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Local Agencies Plan Training Event at Glanton-Hindsman Elementary School This Week

Regional first responder agencies are telling Villa Rica residents not to be alarmed about a heavy police presence planned at a Villa Rica-area school this week: it’s to ensure when a real emergency occurs, the responders are ready.

Carroll County Schools and local public service agencies will hold active shooter training at Glanton-Hindsman Elementary School this week. The training will be held from June 18 to June 20, from about noon to 6 p.m. in the evening.

Villa Rica Police Department representatives have knocked on doors and handed out flyers to nearby residents and businesses to notify them of the upcoming training, which will also include responses from local ambulance agencies, Carroll County Fire Rescue and Tanner Health System. The city’s public works staff will be closing roads near the school — including a portion of Thomas Dorsey Drive from Eleanor Walk to East Montgomery Street — each day during the scheduled training event.

The training will prepare Villa Rica Police Department officers to respond to an active shooter situation, test the on-site defenses at the school and help other public service agencies and hospital staff train to respond in the aftermath of such an event. Officers also hope to use the effort to prepare training videos that can be used to instruct other law enforcement personnel on appropriate responses to such a scenario.

Villa Rica residents concerned about the training or with questions may contact Lt. Hunter Ethredge with the Villa Rica Police Department at 770-459-5149.


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