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National Cherry Month: 3 Reasons to Eat, Drink and Be Cherry!

Looking for a dessert, drink or snack option that’s not only tasty, but good for you? Cherries are a great choice. They taste great alone or when added to other foods like oatmeal, smoothies and yogurt. Want the scoop on why you should include cherries in your meal plan? Check out these three reasons from Melissa Brillhart, MA, RD, LD, a certified health coach and a registered and licensed dietitian with Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well.

1. Cherries are jam-packed with antioxidants.

Cherries are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants (including vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and many other antioxidant phytochemicals) help prevent oxidative damage to tissues. Studies suggest that people who eat more vegetables and fruits, which are rich sources of antioxidants, may have a lower risk for some types of cancer. “Sour cherries have high antioxidant and vitamin C content,” Brillhart said. “They’re also a great source of vitamin A, which promotes cell growth, good vision and a healthy immune system.”

2. Cherries can help you sleep.

Need help getting to sleep at night and counting sheep or drinking a warm glass of milk just isn’t cutting it? Try drinking some tart cherry juice before bed. Tart cherries contain melatonin, a hormone that helps make you feel sleepy. Studies show that two tablespoons of tart cherry juice is just as effective as taking a melatonin supplement.

3. Cherries can help soothe sore muscles.

Looking for something that can help you recover from an intense workout session? Drinking tart cherry juice may help speed recovery and relieve muscle pain after exercise. According to a 2010 study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, marathoners who drank tart cherry juice recovered faster than athletes who didn’t.

Are you ready to add cherries to your healthy eating plan, but need some tasty recipe ideas? Try making a Cherry Vanilla Frappe or Cherry Swirl Pudding. Want even more ideas? Brillhart offers several creative ways you can add cherries to your meals and snacks.

  • Add dried cherries to breads, cereals, muffins, oatmeal, pancakes, parfaits, salads and yogurt.
  • Add tart cherry juice to a smoothie or sparkling water.
  • Make homemade cherry jam or preserves with no added sugar.

“Incorporating cherries into your diet will help you get the recommended five or more servings of fruit and vegetables each day,” Brillhart said. “Adding an extra serving to meals and snacks you already eat is a simple step that leads to a healthier lifestyle.”

For more information on how you can “Go for 5,” visit www.GetHealthyLiveWell.org.


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