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Study: Simple Activities Can Extend Life

A little activity goes a long way. In older adults, it may even help them live longer lives.

Older adults who are physically active have a lower risk for death, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

“In fact, even day-to-day activities such as housework — anything that burns calories — may be beneficial,” said J.D. Engelbrecht, MD, a family medicine provider with Buchanan Medical Clinic, part of Tanner Medical Group.

Researchers in the JAMA study looked at the relationship between daily physical activity and death in 300 adults age 70 and older. They used a special technique to measure how much energy people burned.

The more active the adults were, the lower their risk for death. Specifically, they had a 30 percent lower risk of dying for every 287 calories they burned during daily physical activity.

To burn that amount, older adults could do any of the following for about 75 minutes a day:

  • Care for a child or other adult.
  • Work in the yard.
  • Work at a job or volunteer position that requires standing.
  • Do household chores.

To add more activity to your day — and possibly boost your survival — consider some of these fun activities:

  • Play a game with your grandkids that gets you moving.
  • Do some gardening or rake the leaves in your yard.
  • Turn on the radio and dance.
  • Go for short walks or visit a neighbor.

“If you haven’t been active in a while, start slowly,” said Dr. Engelbrecht. “You don’t have to do it all at once. A few minutes here and there can add up. Of course, be sure to check with your doctor before you jump into more activity.”

Another way to stay safe is to be prepared. Wear well-fitting shoes and drink plenty of water when you’re active. You also should avoid being active outdoors when the weather is extreme.

To make an appointment with a primary care provider at Buchanan Medical Clinic, call 770.646.8281. More information on the practice is available online at www.BuchananMedicalClinic.org.



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