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Tanner Hospice Care Volunteers Honored

Tanner Hospice Care volunteers were honored during the 2013 National Volunteer Week (April 21-27) at a special luncheon held at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton.

This year's theme, “Celebrating People in Action,” reflected the vital role volunteers play in supporting organizations such as Tanner Hospice Care. Volunteers were honored for helping to bring compassion, support and dignity to those facing a serious, life-limiting illness.

“Today, we celebrate you and all that do for the patients and families of Tanner Hospice Care,” said Mandy Jackson, volunteer coordinator for Tanner Hospice Care. “You give your time, your hearts and your labors to enrich many lives.”

Jackson reported that in the last year, the 44 volunteers provided 1,600 hours of care to Tanner Hospice Care patients and their families. There were eight new volunteers who completed training during the past year.

Volunteers provide visits, transportation assistance to medical appointments and bereavement support for Tanner Hospice Care patients and families. Volunteers also serve as chaplains and administrative support to the Tanner Hospice Care office.

Several volunteers were recognized for their service, including Nancy Barnes as “Volunteer of the Year/Office,” for the most hours volunteered at the Tanner Hospice Care administrative office; and Ed Murphy for “Volunteer of the Year/Patient,” for volunteering the most hours at patient homes.

Dianne Jackson was recognized with the “Rising Star Award,” Steve Davis received the “Everyday Hero Award” and nine-year Tanner Hospice Care veteran Diane McLendon was presented the “Sunshine Award” for always sharing a smile while she helps Tanner Hospice Care patients.

A group of seven volunteers from GE were collectively recognized with the “Hands-on Award,” for serving as handymen on home projects for patients. Jackson presented the award, saying “they are literally ‘hands on’ in every sense of the word. They build wheelchair ramps, replace window screens, cut down trees, mow lawns, install smoke detectors—whatever is needed, they are ready to help.”

Including Tanner Hospice Care volunteers, there are more than 200 volunteers who serve in 47 departments at Tanner Health System. Tanner’s volunteers represent many different backgrounds and ages, and include several active members who have been serving their community hospital as a volunteer for more than 35 years.

Tanner Hospice Care is a nonprofit, community-based hospice service that serves the areas of west Georgia and east Alabama. Members of the community interested in volunteering with Tanner Hospice Care may contact Mandy Jackson at 770.838.8583 to receive an application or for additional information.


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