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Tanner Mobile Mammography Unit Offering Services Throughout Region

Receiving an annual screening mammogram will be a great deal more convenient for women throughout west Georgia and east Alabama as Tanner’s Mammography on the Move mobile mammography unit tours the region.

Tanner’s Mammography on the Move will offer screening mammograms at a number of the health system’s Tanner Medical Group primary care practices and other locations throughout 2013.

Click to view the Mammography on the Move schedule now.

To schedule a screening mammogram at a Tanner Medical Group practice on one of these dates, call 770.836.9721 at any time. Appointment times begin at 9 a.m. and are available until 3 p.m.

The American Cancer Society and the patient care teams at Tanner Cancer Care and Tanner Breast Health recommend annual screenings using mammography and clinical breast examination for all women beginning at age 40.

“We know that mammography saves lives, and every woman in our region should have access to an annual screening mammogram,” said Loy Howard, president and CEO of Tanner Health System. “The earlier breast cancer is detected, the more effectively we can treat it. Tanner has worked to make screenings faster and easier with three regional digital mammography centers—Tanner Breast Health in Carrollton and Villa Rica and the diagnostic imaging department at Higgins General Hospital in Bremen—and Tanner Medical Foundation has raised funds to provide mammograms and other care to women who couldn’t otherwise afford them. Now, we’re going to bring digital mammography to the outlying parts of our service area, to the places where mammography has not been available.”

Like Tanner Breast Health in Carrollton and Villa Rica and the diagnostic imaging department at Higgins General Hospital in Bremen, Tanner’s Mammography on the Move accepts most major insurances, is equipped with the latest technologies and is staffed by the same caring Tanner Breast Health professionals that women in west Georgia have come to know and trust. Additional resources are available for those who may require financial assistance with their screening mammograms. To discuss financial options that may be available to you, call Tanner Breast Health in Carrollton at 770.836.9280. Funds to purchase the unit were donated to Tanner Medical Foundation.

The new mobile mammography unit also is available to serve at community events, businesses, churches, civic groups and more, making access to digital mammography and bone density screenings easier and more convenient for area women. Tanner’s Mammography on the Move unit is fully accredited, spacious and designed to ensure comfort and privacy. For more information on scheduling Tanner’s Mammography on the Move at a community, business, church or civic event, call Tanner Breast Health in Carrollton at 770.836.9531.

More information on Tanner’s digital mammography services—available in Carrollton, Villa Rica and Bremen—is available online at www.TannerBreastHealth.org.


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