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Tanner Offers Free AAA Screenings This November

Abdominal aortic aneurysm, or AAA, is a relatively rare but potentially deadly condition that offers few—if any—symptoms. Fortunately, screening for the condition is easy, and treatment is available close to home in west Georgia.

“The aorta is the body’s largest blood vessel,” said Heather Park, MD, a board-certified vascular surgeon with Tanner Vascular Surgery, part of Tanner Medical Group. “Over time, the aorta’s wall may develop a weak spot that stretches. The ballooned area is called an aneurysm. And like a balloon, an aneurysm can burst.”

In November, Tanner Health System is offering free AAA screenings for those most at risk, including those age 60 or older who have a family history of AAA, a history of smoking, a history of high blood pressure, a history of high cholesterol, or who have had a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).

Screenings will be offered in Villa Rica on Nov. 2 and in Carrollton on Nov. 16. The screening should take no longer than 20 minutes and involves a simple ultrasound of the abdomen. Spaces are limited. Residents should call 770.214.CARE (2273) to see if they qualify and to reserve their space.

A healthy aorta is approximately the size of a garden hose. If it bursts, a person experiences a sudden, and often fatal, loss of blood. In fact, only about 10 to 20 percent of people who experience a ruptured aortic aneurysm survive.

“Most AAAs have no symptoms until after they rupture,” said Dr. Park. That’s why screening and management are so important.”

Tanner Vascular Surgery is the practice of Glenn Whitney, MD, and Dr. Park. For more information, visit www.TannerVascularSurgery.org or call 770.812.5902. Tanner Vascular Surgery has office locations in Carrollton and Villa Rica.


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