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Tanner Receives Community Leadership Award for Get Healthy, Live Well Initiative

Tanner Health System has earned the Georgia Hospital Association’s Community Leadership Award for its Get Healthy, Live Well initiative. The award recognizes a GHA-member hospital that has made exemplary contributions to the health and well-being of the people of Georgia through leadership in the area of community health improvement.

“The Get Healthy, Live Well program has made Tanner Health System an integral part of the health of its community,” said GHA President Earl Rogers. “We are pleased to honor the health system and its staff with this award and applaud their dedication to improving the well-being of the citizens of their community.”

The Get Healthy, Live Well initiative is working to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent chronic disease for residents of Carroll, Haralson and Heard counties. After receiving initial funding from the Community Foundation of West Georgia, Tanner was awarded a $1.2 million Community Transformation Grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to address the critical health issues in west Georgia.

In the last 18 months, Get Healthy, Live Well has grown to include 21 initiatives involving more than 500 volunteers and dozens of community partners in a variety of projects from diabetes prevention, weight loss and tobacco prevention to youth wellness and community gardens.

“We are so proud of everything that Get Healthy, Live Well and our partners have accomplished to improve the health of our community,” said Denise Taylor, senior vice president and chief community health, strategy and brand officer for Tanner. “These programs are changing people's lives. Many dedicated volunteers across west Georgia have made this work successful, and we're honored that our combined efforts are being recognized at a statewide level."

Tanner previously earned the Community Leadership Award in 2010 for establishing Willowbrooke at Tanner and its extensive inpatient and outpatient behavioral health program.

In honor of this accomplishment, GHA prepared a video tribute to Get Healthy, Live Well's contributions to the community.

More information on the Get Healthy, Live Well initiative is available at www.GetHealthyLiveWell.org.

Established in 1929, GHA is the state’s largest trade organization of hospitals and health systems, providing education, research and risk management services to its more than 170 hospital and health system members. Additionally, it represents and advocates health policy issues benefiting Georgia’s citizens before the state legislature and U.S. Congress as well as before regulatory bodies.


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