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Tanner to Publish COVID-19 Figures Online

To ensure the community has the latest figures concerning the novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, Tanner will publish a running tally of the number positive test results returned from its external laboratory partners on its website.

Residents can find the latest figures at tanner.org/COVID19Updates.COVID-19 update

Thursday night, Tanner reported Carroll County’s first eight confirmed cases, including seven from Carroll County and one from Polk County.

By Saturday, the number of confirmed test results had climbed to 23, including 19 from Carroll County, two from Douglas and one each from Bartow and Polk counties.

The health system has administered more than 550 COVID-19 tests, with approximately 400 awaiting independent outside lab results. As the number of people being tested grows, the likelihood of more positive results also being returned grows.

Tanner urges residents to continue their social distancing efforts and visit our website at tanner.org/ncov for more information on our COVID-19 response.

Numbers may not precisely match figures from the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH), because Tanner may receive results from patients who came to the health system beyond our counties’ public health district. In addition, Georgia DPH may receive figures from non-Tanner providers that aren’t reported through the health system.

The health system has ramped up its outpatient testing options and worked with its external laboratory partners to expedite the return of test results. COVID-19 testing is only available with a physician’s order.

Anyone who believes they have been exposed to or have the symptoms of COVID-19 should contact their medical provider for more information.

Complete figures are available from Georgia DPH.

Continue to follow the latest developments on positive confirmations, facility closures, service changes and more at tanner.org/ncov.


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