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Tanner Tot Tastings

It’s never too early to “Go for 5.”

As part of its #SummerOfHealth campaign, Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well is encouraging the community to eat healthier. The earlier you adopt healthy eating habits, the better. That’s why Get Healthy, Live Well wants see what’s on the plates of babies and toddlers in west Georgia.

Send us photos or videos of your baby or toddler’s first bites of fruits and vegetables. Capture the moment forever then let us share it in this newsletter and on our social media sites. Send your photos or videos to gethealthy@tanner.org.

You can also share the photo or video on social media with the hashtag #SummerOfHealth and #SummerYums. For more information about Get Healthy, Live Well’s #SummerOfHealth campaign, visit www.GetHealthyLiveWell.org.


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