Tanner News

Tanner Begins Public Rollout of COVID-19 Vaccine

With high demand for the COVID-19 vaccine, Tanner Health System is working to make vaccination against the coronavirus as widely available and accessible as possible.

The health system is following Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) guidelines for vaccine distribution. Currently, the state is in Phase 1A of vaccine rollout.

After inoculating its own healthcare team within those guidelines, the health system has begun making the vaccine available to those 65 and older. As vaccine becomes available, the system immediately schedules vaccine clinics. As of Jan. 14, the health system had administered more than 3,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

“As a community hospital, it’s our mission to take care of the community, so we have applied to be a mass vaccination site. This would enable us to receive more vaccine and supplies,” said Loy Howard, president and CEO of Tanner. “Widespread vaccination is key to putting the pandemic behind us and getting back to a normal life. But more importantly than that, it’s essential to preserving the health and lives of our community. COVID-19 has claimed so many of our friends and loved ones; we want to protect as many lives as we can.”

In the coming week, Tanner will host vaccination clinics for those age 65 and older, based on randomized patient lists.

In the weeks to follow, the health system expects to host weekly vaccination clinics as vaccine is received. Each vaccination is scheduled by appointment only.

“As we get vaccine, we’re opening appointments. When the supply increases, the number of vaccinations we can administer will increase. We’re administering them almost as fast as we get them. Everyone in the community will have the opportunity to get the vaccine. We ask for your patience and support as we vaccinate our community,” said Howard.

Vaccination information is available tanner.org/vaccine.


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