Tanner News

Tanner Continues COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts, More Than 11,500 Doses Given

With widespread vaccination — along with continued public health efforts — being a cornerstone of ending the global COVID-19 pandemic, Tanner Health System has continued its efforts to make vaccines available.

As of Feb. 18, the health system has administered 11,522 doses of COVID-19 vaccine — including more than 8,000 doses to area residents age 65 and older.11,000 COVID-19 vaccines

The total represents an increase of more than 2,400 doses administered over the prior week, driven by large-scale vaccination events at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Carrollton and Bremen’s Mill Town Music Hall. Both venues have hosted previous COVID-19 vaccination clinics.

However, the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) — which distributes the COVID-19 vaccine to vaccination providers, including Tanner — has warned that severe winter weather elsewhere in the country will hamper upcoming deliveries of vaccine doses.

“Winter weather across the country is significantly impacting shipments of COVID-19 vaccine to Georgia,” Georgia DPH wrote in a media statement, saying that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned states that the severe weather will impact upcoming vaccine shipments.

Tanner is following Georgia DPH guidelines, making vaccination available as it receives doses of the vaccine. Currently, Georgia is still in Phase 1A of vaccine distribution.

The Georgia Department of Public Health and the Governor’s Office decide when vaccine can be made more widely available. Due to limited vaccine supply, Tanner is making vaccines available to healthcare workers and those age 65 and older.

Tanner reminds residents that vaccination is just one part of a broader strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic: wearing masks, social distancing, hand hygiene and avoiding crowds is also critical in moving past the pandemic.

Tanner has established an online form for patients and caregivers to provide their information to be signed up for vital COVID-19 information, including upcoming vaccination clinics. The site is at tanner.org/shotsignup.  More information about Tanner’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts can be found at tanner.org/vaccine.


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