Tanner News

Tanner Passes 9,000 Vaccinations Given

Tanner Health System continues to plan vaccination clinics as quickly as it receives doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the state.
Tanner continues to receive limited amounts of vaccine from the state. The health system has sent invitations to a random group of residents age 65 and older to register for the first-round doses it’s received for events in Carrollton and Bremen next week. The clinics will also administer second-round doses for those who have already received their first doses through Tanner.COVID-19 vaccine
Both vaccines currently with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency use authorization — Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech — require two doses to offer up to 95% immunity to COVID-19.
Over the past week, Tanner administered 1,311 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with 9,101 doses administered since the end of December.
The health system continues to follow Georgia Department of Public Health guidelines to make vaccination available as it receives doses of the vaccine. Currently, Georgia is still in Phase 1A of vaccine distribution. Due to limited vaccine supply, Tanner is making vaccines available to healthcare workers and those age 65 and older.
The Georgia Department of Public Health and the Governor’s Office decide when vaccine can be made more widely available.
As shipments of vaccine arrive, Tanner schedules vaccination clinics and sends out invitations for individuals who meet the age requirements to schedule their vaccinations.
The health system has also established an online form for patients and caregivers to provide their information to be signed up for vital COVID-19 information, including upcoming vaccination clinics. The site is at tanner.org/shotsignup.  
Widespread vaccination — along with continued public health efforts, including wearing masks, social distancing, hand hygiene and avoiding crowds — will be critical in moving past the pandemic.
More information about Tanner’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts can be found at tanner.org/vaccine.


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