

A stroke is an emergency requiring immediate treatment. Below, you’ll find resources to help you learn about stroke, its causes and how to spot the symptoms.

Be stroke smart

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and a leading cause of adult disability in the United States. Act F.A.S.T. if you observe or experience these stroke symptoms:

F – Face drooping
A – Arm weakness
S – Speech difficulty
T – Time to call 911

Stroke - act FAST


If you or someone nearby experiences a stroke, certified stroke care is available at the emergency departments at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton, Tanner Medical Center/Villa Rica and Higgins General Hospital in Bremen.


Take control 

Approximately 80 percent of strokes are preventable. Tanner’s Get Healthy, Live Well initiatives can connect you to programs and classes that will help you live a healthy lifestyle and promote better brain health.

We’re here to help you:

  • Improve your diet
  • Build physical activity into your day
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Eliminate tobacco use

View upcoming classes and events. Or, for more information, contact Get Healthy, Live Well at 770-812-5954 or email

Learn more

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The Missed Chance That Changed Everything
The Missed Chance That Changed Everything

I've seen too many lives changed forever by "the missed chance." Like watching rain clouds gather but forgetting to bring in the clothes from the line — sometimes the simplest oversights have the most significant consequences. Few things break my heart more than discovering a cancer that a thorough screening could have prevented.

How to Create a Tanner MyChart Account
How to Create a Tanner MyChart Account

Start managing your health with Tanner MyChart.


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