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Helping Loved Ones Resistant to Hospice Care

Having a loved one nearing the end of life can be a difficult time for both the patient and their family members. Oftentimes, hospice care is recommended as a way to provide comfort and support during this difficult transition.

However, some loved ones may be resistant to hospice care and may not understand the benefits it can provide. By understanding their fears and concerns, answering their questions and more, families can help their loved ones receive the care they need.

Understand their fears and concerns

One reason why loved ones may be resistant to hospice care is because they may have misconceptions about what hospice care entails. They may be afraid that hospice is a “last resort” and that it means giving up on their loved one. It’s important to address these fears and concerns, as hospice care is actually focused on providing comfort and support for both the patient and their family. By providing education and support, you can help your loved one understand what hospice care can provide.

Answer their questions

They may have questions about what kind of medical care is provided, how hospice works with other healthcare providers and how hospice care can support the patient and their family.

Be open and honest with your loved one and provide them with resources so they can make informed decisions. Offer resources and support.

Loved ones resistant to hospice care may be more open to receiving care if they feel supported. Offer resources and support, such as a social worker or counselor, to help them navigate this difficult time.

Additionally, you and other family members can provide emotional support, practical support and help with caregiving tasks.

Focus on their quality of life

One of the primary goals of hospice care is to improve the patient’s quality of life. Emphasize this with your loved one and explain how hospice care can bring peace, comfort and dignity to their remaining days.

Hospice care can also help manage symptoms such as pain, anxiety and depression, which can improve the patient’s overall quality of life.

Schedule an appointment with a hospice team

One of the best ways to help loved ones resistant to hospice care is to schedule an appointment with a hospice team. Hospice professionals can answer questions, provide education and create a care plan that meets the unique needs of the patient and their family.

They can also provide emotional support and guidance throughout this difficult time.

Helping a loved one navigate end-of-life care can be a challenging experience, especially if they are resistant to hospice care. However, by understanding their fears and concerns, answering their questions and offering resources and support families can help their loved ones receive the care they need.

For more information visit TannerHospiceCare.org.

Tanner Health System, Hospice Care

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